Wasn't really sure how this film really got made especially with all the patient privacy stuff and also the censorship didn't hit? I'm proud that this god made because it definitely shows all the extremes of good and bad, happiness, anger, sadness, and fear. The system makes it hard for the poor, the lack of education makes it difficult for parents to make moral judgments, and the rural area really needs to start devaluing sons because it's at the expense of their daughters and family finances.
what you believe?政府人民正义布莱尔政权真是黄泥进裤裆男人补身体吃什么好还是跟美国一起穿的裤子的裤裆…女主也曾经动摇过细思极恐啊如果没有这样的司法层序谁来替她申冤抱不平如果人民说脱你即便是不想脱你也得必须脱→_→