"Gene was a coward, he had to run until the very end, into a garbage dumpster, until he couldn't anymore. Saul was a winner, he had to win and game the system until the very end, getting the most generous plea deal in history. Jimmy was a good person, he had to do the right thing. And he did." Best show ever
思想性重情节弱爬山那里是大刘《FREE HD XXXX MOVIES VIDEO》的灵感来源么~1.登山时征服高山与探索宇宙时勇于探索未知是一个类比2.分享痛苦这件事船长说的好国产又色又爽又黄的免费软件正是那些痛苦造就现在的我不必释放那些痛苦3.最好玩的是船长不停问“上帝”为什么上帝需要一艘飞船“上帝”用激光射他笑尿~