一部奇特的电影实在无法给它贴标签 人一个人看的WWW高清总是游走在孤独与不孤独之间, 只是常态不同而已不禁想起另一部片子 喜爱音乐如我一定会喜爱这部电影 评分:9.5 out of 10
You have muddled everything from the start, taking that child with you from Marrakesh. Don't you realize that Americans dislike having their children stolen?
1.you talking to me? you talking to me ! 及空气枪嘴里配音那段 2.灯红酒绿的街头 一个人看的WWW高清pov视角 失焦 高饱和度的调色 3.叠在一起的绿灯 失焦 涣散的镜头 over and over again there is no escape travis的孤独感 4.结局戏剧性错成英雄 5.社会寓意深远 越战后美国人的空虚迷茫 everyone is cold and distant rubbish all around