Without any country folk music there will be a insipid laundry list and it is still loose with a song by another. director only knows use certain scenes to instruct certain emotions, but she don't understand the certain people who she trying to portray.
当讲述一个伟人的故事的时候Lin也会自问自己这一生又在做些什么呢会创造出什么样的事物呢又能在死后留下什么呢希望以什么样的身份死去呢就如这些伟人曾经自问过自己这些问题一样 Lin的成功当之无愧:热爱天赋从一而终匠心春天后母心电视剧坚定seize the days and well-prepared耐心等待然后抓住机会Not throwing his shot