还是很厉害的商业故事片最后t1000的嘶吼反而是最打动我的地方其次i know why you cry然后男孩对阿诺像父亲一样的倾诉莎拉康纳好帅啊这银幕形象太少见了偶像简直 天杀的豆瓣我更换个夜间模式而已就把我打的那么多字全删了 导演还是很会拍的和第一部一样的履带撵过骷髅视觉情感冲击力太强;t800第一部里枪火之下去终结莎拉第二部里顶着枪弹只为不再杀人;强壮的t800人类外表损坏后露出机械内在才是最可怖最动人的场景而t1000冰冷沉默外形不定常用造型没有视觉压迫感母亲とが话しています免费虽然液态金属很超前很强大但是本应有的超人智慧狡猾学习力没有很好体现感觉作为反派还是塑造的差点意思
one time i was just as ambiguous as the skip,but just hold back it, because it will let you drive to the hell. DO things boring but safe, and you will make the big bubble for your own.
Each man kills the thing he loves, some do it with a bitter look, some with a flattering word, the coward does it with a kiss, the brave man with a sword. Some kill their love when they are young, and some when they are old, some strangle with the hands