不离其宗的Scorsese风格密集的银幕信息量和亢奋的声乐表现日后的无论Wall Street Wolf还是Boardwalk Empire都可以从中间找到类似的影子而更早之前的诸如Bull等佳作则残留很少了幸福从天而降这种传奇笔法因人而异对强迫症的刻画洗手间那段喷了最后回到母亲的天空童年纠缠下的疯狂心理戏写得造极
阿乙的小说里这么描写狱警与死刑犯:“你真幸运只用走这一趟而我们还要走回去” 这部影片真正在内部言说“电影是一个奇迹”了 Things that happen in this world. It's a wonder God allowed it. You've ever tried not to laugh in church when something funny gets stuck in your head?This is the same goddamn thing. Roll on two. He's paid what he owed. He's square with the house again. Mr.jingles.