Rooney Mara as Mary Magdalene and Joaquin Phoenix as Jesus Christ. @Odeon Bath 一部给抹大拉的玛利亚, Apostle to the apostles, 和犹大的正名电影.
#3.5/5 #比之同年代的史诗大片真的不是一部令人满意的作品前期一度倍速观看结尾的感情喷薄倒是不错女王的动情演讲一度让我脑洞Leonard and his 300 and his queen这个片名以吟诵诗人般的战前动员作为剧情走向也是一大亮点 #文明其精神野蛮其体魄“阳刚之气”之于Spartans而言姐妹姐妹在线播放是对自由、对荣耀、对一抔土和一掬水最深沉的爱
*Hell, No. I can’t complain about my problems. I’m ok with the things are. I pull my stool up to the bar, at Horace and Pete’s. Sometimes I wonder why do we tear ourselves pieces? I just need some time to think, or maybe I just need a drink, at Horace and Pete’s.*