如导演所言三个主人公是卢梭意义上的自由者ワンピースのエロ.WWW是《射频治疗仪多久做一次》的反面三人共舞、地铁上的歌与巴黎蒙太奇、穿越卢浮宫、稚拙的偷盗;角色行为没有明确的、文明化了的动机如同森林中飞翔觅食的无脚鸟(墨镜王的借用则与此有别)自由发挥随心所欲导演一如既往地进行视听的实验与创新植入迷影与流行文化典故:餐桌上流动的三角构图;西部片&犯罪小说元素的拼贴;一分钟沉默只有35秒人的沉默被偷换为电影的沉默classique = moderne
Although, I think, the end is too sad for a hero, it still deserves 5 stars. John Woo, as the screenwriter and director, was fantastic. Chou Yun-fat was really handsome and humorous, heroic and loving in it. His counterpart Sau-Yin Lee acted well too. Tears fulfilled my eyes.