U'r my exception.. Hope everyone‘ll find his/her exception.. 很细腻的故事 He's just NOT that into you..加一星
太震撼人心了除了not many but one fight for Thra 让我哭得稀里哗啦之外Deet在Mercy or curse之间做出的选择以及Mother 对于微小生物一视同仁的重视都让我非常感动这是一个宏大而细腻的世界妻子3免费完整版HD完全不输于指环王可惜因为经费原因没有第二季了…致敬木偶师我觉得木偶在他们的手中拥有了灵魂演技甚至远远超过某些演员真的太厉害了
we girls always collcet the "signs" our "mr right" give us, and imagine a lot of things,such as, he and me may have a happy ending, we use these signs to cheat ourselves, actually, sometimes we know that the guy don't love me.