高中生用的好是青春用的不好是中二high school dramatic relationships打底姐妹相爱相杀青梅竹马穷小子三角恋未婚妈妈和deaf gay相依为命式minority姐妹闺蜜团经典爱搞杀青春剧元素应有尽有附赠末日结界抢食枪战惊悚剧情gun control死刑民主法治问题接踵而来为了社会的stable我们到底可以在道德的边缘试探多远抱着观赏劣根人性+呼唤爱的心情姐姐とが话していま动漫观看最终迷上青春肉体满意而归分级都到那儿了不露肉网飞真的说得过去吗虽然内容玲琅满目也有对社会制度的思考但是还是花架子般无趣无法达到吸引人的阈值另外年轻人演技真的都不太行尬最后两集高潮有水准B-
Life just isn't like the movies is it? We're constantly led to believe in resolution in the establishment of the ideal status quo, and it's just not true. Happy endings are a myth. Designed to make us feel better about the fact that life is just a thankless struggle.