23.4.22 又名进入飞龙(我脑子里的)各人种齐聚英属香港-旁虚构的无国界小岛奢华宴会serve鸡脚, 007质感的基地和潜入师出少林坚决杀人报仇最后的场面拍摄想法很美添腹部流出的血液硬和软有音乐感地交替 never take your eyes off your opponent. 开头布鲁斯的几场对白奠定了刚柔并肩的呼吸感想到当年在芝加哥室友把这里教小师弟的片段当成哲学片段一样share给我看
Because we don't know when we will die, We get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Things happen only a certain number of times, and a small number really. How many times will you remember an afternoon of your childhood and afternoon so deeply a part of you that you cann't be without it? Yet it all seems limitless